5 Techniques to get Backlinks

In recent years, Google's algorithm has become increasingly complex and today, only sites with an effective net linking strategy appear at the top of the search results. If you have links of bad qualities, not only your site is not highlighted, even the contrary, Google may sanction you.

1 - Write a list of bloggers:

This technique consists in having a page listing all the best bloggers on a given theme. It's up to you to choose the theme, you can for example choose the best bloggers in marketing, and you list in one page all the best bloggers in this topic. You also add a photo for each blogger, and a quick presentation. If you wish, you can also indicate the social networks of each blog next to their presentation.

Once you have written your page and registered online, contact all these bloggers to mention that they have been selected to be on top.
Many will be happy to share your page and some will mention it on their site, which will earn you a relevant quality link.

For example, it is possible to do TOP expatriate bloggers or the TOP bloggers travelers .

2 - Write a page on the expert's opinion:

The second technique is similar to the previous one. But instead of making a list of bloggers, you group all the answers linked to a question according to a list of experts you have selected.

You choose the question, it must be related to your theme.
This question can be for example "What are the top three tips for success in life? If you choose the theme of personal development. In the field of travel, you can ask the question of the 
3 most original destinations .

Then you contact all the important bloggers in this topic to ask them their opinion. A number will answer your question, and all the answers you receive, you will group them within your page. Once your page is finished, you contact all the bloggers who answered your question to show them the page and indicate that their answer was chosen to appear on your page.
Again, many bloggers will be happy to appear on your page (this will give a lot of credibility to their visitors), and some will put you a new quality link.

3 - Write content for external sites:

This technique, like the technique of dead links, is a win-win technique. The idea is to write quality content for free for other sites, with a theme similar to yours. Of course, the content you will write must be unique, without any copy and paste, so that the site with which you collaborate is not sanctioned by Google.

You will come into contact with sites with a theme similar to yours, but which have not yet written content on certain sub-themes that you master well. Before you start writing this content, agree to the conditions for publishing your content on their site, including the number of words, the type of content they expect and the number of links to your site that you are allowed to integrate within this content.

The advantage of this technique is that the site with which you collaborate will have additional content for its users. For your part, by inserting one or more links following your blog at the heart of the content that will be published on the other site, you get new and relevant links of quality.

For example, if you have a 
blog about Rome , you can write for travel sites, articles about your secret addresses in the city, or even the best bars to go out in Rome.

4 - Make info graphics:

The technique of computer graphics consists in creating an interactive page with a maximum of easy information to assimilate on a given theme.

The idea is to bring content, but in a very specific way. You have to create a maximum of interactions with Internet users, especially with schemes and images.

Once ready, share your info graphic with all the bloggers who are related to your theme. The multi-active dimension of computer graphics will lead to a number of shares on social networks.

In addition, many bloggers will be tempted to position a link to your computer graphics. That's why Google loves interactive sites. A site with a lot of comments (ideally with bloggers who respond to comments), earn points in terms of SEO. And share or mention an info graphic on its site can receive many comments and feedback from its users, which turns out to be excellent for Google.

5 - Find dead links:

The dead link technique is very effective in getting a relevant link. The reason is that you bring value to an external site by updating their content that is no longer.

In concrete terms, this technique consists of finding pages of links related to the theme of your site where several links are outdated. The goal is to inform the site concerned, who will be more than happy to mention your site when removing links that are out of date.
To find lists of links, if you have for example a blog about fitness, you can write on Google "page useful links fitness".

Once you've found pages of links, use the free Google Chrome Check my Links plugin that identifies all current dead links in a few seconds. This extension highlights in green the links that are up to date and in red the links that are obsolete.

Once you have identified the outdated links, contact the author of the site to indicate that the content is out of date. In the email, also present your site indicating that it offers the same theme, and that it would find its place on the list to replace one of the dead links.
As you enrich its value, the majority of the sites you contact will be ready to mention your site, which you will want a relevant quality link.


In conclusion, achieving quality links is not impossible, but it requires investment. You must choose its methods to have maximum value to sites that may potentially mention your site as a link, and the natural referencing of your site on Google will gain notoriety.

About the Author:

I am a professional content writer. Now my article is
on ITAdvice. IT advice is providing Digital Marketing Solutions.


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